Tuesday, September 23

Ugly ...

... really ugly. It's the new "deck wall" the neighbours have put in. We were hanging out for the old one to be replaced because it had formed the last of the fence between our two gardens.
The lack of it had confined Ping to the house for weeks. But the replacement didn't do the job, so Mr Brown had to pop out and get some lattice to block the Ping escape route.
Ping is delighted to be allowed out to help me hang out the washing or drink a cup of coffee, but it's really made that bit of the yard quite revolting. Oh never mind, I'll just grow passionfruit up it.
And to add to the joy, a bit more ugly. Badly finished brick wall with ghastly black plastic "screening", care of the child-care centre at the back.
The developers ripped out every single blood plant in that yard, and haven't planted a bloody thing back yet.
Which of course led to this, becoming this. Almost 20 years old and it's been reduced to a crunchy. Cooked in a lack of shade we didn't notice during the week and were too late by the weekend. We may be able to save it. Plenty of water and a banana skin have been administered. Cross you fingers for him.


Pink Granite said...

Fingers crossed for the plant...
Aren't neighbors - - - "interesting"?
I like the natural looking lattice part. Was that Mr. Brown's contribution?
- Lee

Ms Brown Mouse said...

Lee, I think the lattice you mention is the other neighbours' fence, no consultation their either but it's not bad at all now it's aged and going a bit green.

Zoomie said...

Oh, dear, how sad about the lovely staghorn fern! I hope you can save it - and mask the rest with some nice greenery! Honestly, what were the neighbors thinking???

caw said...

hey, re that ghastly fence. can you grow some bouganvillia or some such thing on it with pretty flahs? those neighbours need a tongue lashing. ugh.

e said...

fingers crossed for mr. plant

Ms Brown Mouse said...

Mr Plant is struggling on and we plan to grow passionfruit up the side of the big ugly fence. And trim it regularly and carefully so no fruits ever grow in their side!