Sunday, July 8

A little light gardening ...

... had been penciled in for Sunday, but then it rained - so, I finished Michael Chabon's Wonder Boys.
I read The Yiddish Policemen's Union last week (borrowed from Fiddles) and love it to bits. It has to be one of the best books I've read for a long time. A fabulous story that sucks you right in and keeps you interested, it was hard to put down and led to a couple of bleary-eyed mornings. It's a noir-style detective story, a middle-aged love story, a brilliantly-written funny book by a very very clever man. He uses big words, but not in a smarty pants way, just in a way that makes you wonder when you'll be able to take that word out for a spin. He even used fata morgana! I think I may be in love, I may have found a new favourite author (John Irving, best not rest on your laurels boyo).
So, I rushed out and bought 3 more, including Wonder Boys and confirmed my new crush - fantastic story, characters you can believe in (love em or hate em), bits that make you laugh out loud. Elegantly, cleverly written, what a wordsmith. Sigh, next stop The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay.


Roo said...

I forgot to put Michael Chabon in my fave authors list. You'll love Kavalier & Clay, I adored Wonder Boys, it made me laugh out loud. I'd recommend Summerland too ;o)

Ms Brown Mouse said...

I'm already loving Kavalier & Clay, though I suspect it's going to make me cry - the Final Solution did. But that's all good, I love it when a writer can make you feel things that deeply.

cookiecrumb said...

That's so funny. There you are, way over down under, reading one of my Bay Area homies, Michael Chabon.
Sadly, I myself haven't read any of his works, but thanks to you, I will.
Blogging is so great this way.

Ms Brown Mouse said...

oh do read him - you'll be glad of it.

Roo said...

Yep - what DMM said - read him and weep/laugh/cry/laugh/ you get my meaning ;o)

Ms Brown Mouse said...

I'm about 1/2 way through, I wept a wee bit at his mother's last letter - this does not bode well.