Saturday, May 1

Ping is on steroids ...

... she has been for about two weeks now. They are an appetite stimulant in cats and BOY do we know it. She's insatiable when it comes to the foods. She's even eating kitten crunchies, which she disdained before the steroids kicked in, now she can't get enough.
Good news is, two more pills and we're done (fingers crossed), then one more visit to the nice vets down the road to make sure her poor tongue is all fixed. It seems to be but it's best to be sure.
Until then, and until the drugs wear off, we are getting a lot of this face, in this place.This face too, but she's growing and has an excuse! As for me and Mr Brown, I kindly passed on my dose of the killer flu to him. We married couples like to share. I'm still in recovery mode, feeling pretty crapulent but loads better than the beginning of the week. Work, Thursday and Friday only, fair did me in though, I need this weekend to be calm, restful and well fed.


Zoomie said...

Sadly, it's true that when we marry we vow to love, honor and share colds. Hope you're both better soon. I love those pleading faces - dogs can do it well, too.

Ms Brown Mouse said...

Zoomie, I think dogs do it better, something about the huge brown eyes!

e said...

Do you also get the incessant, almost offensive, meows? I get those, too.

Ms Brown Mouse said...

E - you've heard a Siamese yowl yes? Then you can imagine my aural pain :)

Pink Granite said...

God they are gorgeous creatures - those eyes!