Wednesday, April 28

The biggest and most justified "I told you so" in the history of the World, ever ...

... and it's mine, all mine. O how I revel in the smugness of it too!
I get to use wild gestures and eyebrow waggling, I'm thrilled.
Whyso? Well, Mr Brown suffers from stomach ulcers, quite badly in times of stress, causing him a great deal of distress.
For years and years I've been suggesting/nagging him to take that test for Helicobacter pylori, just to see if he could be cured by just a short course of drugs. He kept putting it off. I thought when his mother did, was found to have it, took the pills and got better, that he'd give it a try, but no.
Anyhoo, I don't know what prompted it, I'd pretty much given up his ever bothering, he just took himself off for the test. The results came in yesterday.
Guess what - yep - I told him so!
He's taking 4 pills twice a day for 7 days. Then, no more sore tummy. Just a terribly, unbearably smug wife.
I'm also sick, but that's been going on for days now, dull, dull, dull, and very snotty.


Pink Granite said...

There is a saying: You can't push a rope.

Soooo very glad Mr. Brown is on the way to happier insides!
Doing a little happy dance for you BOTH.
And hope you feel better soon!
- Lee

S said...

tis wonderful to be right, yay for you.
hope you feel better soon xx

Zoomie said...

Husbands! Honestly, they can be so darn stubborn sometimes! I'm glad Mr. Brown finally had enough of grumbly insides and got help.

Roo said...

Good for you! It's only a rare occasion in this house when I can do the same. It can be difficult living with a "Mr Perfect" at times ;o) Make Mr Brown give you a rain cheque for the dinner!

Lee - I hope your rope question has been answered, I know it made me laugh out loud. xx

Roo said...

PS - hope you are felling better soon, my man is back on his feet ;o)

Susan said...


I nagged to my DH about his fluid consumption, fianally he broke down and yeppers, Type II Diabetes! I did a short, very short, I Told You So dance and started changing his diet slowly.
Now to get him to understand GERD and get him some care for that.

A woman's work is never done.

Sue said...

Gloat and enjoy it! All those years of suffering for nothing; After listening to him complaining (and as a man, there's no doubt he did a fair bit) you're allowed to wallow in the pleasures of 'I told you so!' ENJOY!!! (I love it!)

Uli said...

Sounds like the very definition of a win-win situation. Aside from the snot, of course.

Ms Brown Mouse said...

Zoomie, I don't know, but they sure don't seem to like doctors!
Roo, no, life with FIG JAM can be difficult. Me? I'll live, glad to hear Peter is on the mend.
Susan, and they wonder why we nag??

Ms Brown Mouse said...

Sue, o believe me, I am :)
Uli, win, win indeed, and I'll share that fancy dinner out with him so it's double win!

cookiecrumb said...

He'll thank you if he hasn't already.

e said...

This is good news indeed! And so justified to do the I told you so dance!!