Monday, March 22

This keeps me going ...

... the wonderful woman who we are getting Ping's little sister from keeps us updated with photos. This is from Sunday. I'm guessing weaning must be soon cos no one at the Brown-Mouse is going to be able to help out in this regard!


S said...

Oh my they are getting big on their mamma's milk!

Zoomie said...

Notice, too, how Mom is looking somewhat annoyed this time - the Moms do finally think, "Enough!" When my Siamese momcat had kittens, she was a great Mom for about 8 weeks, then started spending more and more time apart from the kittens as they grew bigger and more playful. She'd go up on a chest too high for them to jump and watch from there, but keep her distance. Time for them to go soon!

cookiecrumb said...

When I got Bartlett, she was only eight weeks old. The Humane Society wanted her and the rest of her litter mates in real homes, pronto.
She pooped in the house today, and it's our fault.
Anyway. Happy kit kit! Soon!

Zoomie said...

Cookiecrumb, it's always the parents' fault. :-)

cookiecrumb said...

Zoomie: It really was our fault. She was scratching at the door, and Cranky just ignored her. On the other hand, we zipped her into her covered playpen (I call it a tent) and left her alone this morning for an hour and a half, and she was an angel.

Zoomie said...

Cookiecrumb, I was serious - it always _is_ the parents' fault. Gotta watch those babies. Kittens are easier - Mom teaches them the mysteries of the cat box and they are good for life.

cookiecrumb said...

We should thank Morgan for this message board.

Ms Brown Mouse said...

Zoomie, yep, they must be sucking the life out of her. And I'll bet they aren't careful with their pointy little fangs.
Cookie, poo, I hate dealing with poo, but Zoomie's right, it's rarely a problem with wonderful litter-trained kittens (thank goodness).
And please ladies, feel free to chat away. I'll just go back to work :)

Zoomie said...

Thank you, Morgan, for the message board, but don't go away!

Ms Brown Mouse said...

I went away for a bit but now I'm back!

Ms Brown Mouse said...

I'll bet you Northern Hemisphere folk have all gone to bed now though :(

cookiecrumb said...

I'm back! What are we talking about?

Sue said...

What gorgeous, silky, little bodies those are! I'm sure you're dying to get your first cuddles. Not long to go now!

Ms Brown Mouse said...

Cookie - kittens are better than puppies, disuss :)
Sue, like liquid silk they are, slippery and soft!

cookiecrumb said...

I do seriously love cats. Had a couple growing up. I'm not strictly "dog," but I enjoy their animation, vs. the languid torpor of kitties.
Now I've got this hyperactive pogo stick. Shoulda got a cat.

Pink Granite said...

Only 9 days!

Re: puppies vs. kittens - kittens are easier to "train". When they are dogs and cats, cats are still easier to live with in so many ways. But oh how wonderful a dog is to live with and interact with.
- Lee

Ms Brown Mouse said...

Cookie & Lee, I grew up with cats and dogs (and mice and rats and ferrets and chickens and ducks and budgies and a bunny and a pigeon and even a pony) I do like both but being a work-out-of-the-house, poo-phobic person cats are the ideal pets for us. I'd love a dog but the idea of picking up it's poo, well that would just spoil a nice walk, rather like golf.
Also I'm rather languid myself - nothing beats lounging around, covered in cats reading a good book in the sunshine.

Zoomie said...

I had cats, too, when I was working - just seemed like an easier pet and equally lovable in their own way. Now I have Cora and she keeps me active, whether I like it or not. :-) Had a horse, once, too, and loved that part of my life but have no desire to repeat it.