Tuesday, September 15

We spent today in the Park ...

... THE Park, Central Park. We walked ourselves footsore. We saw trees and sweeping lawns. And statues. And birds that were not starlings or sparrows. And bees, great big fat fellows. And squirrels, two different kinds. We saw little boats on the boat pond, but not Stuart Little.
And, because he is a kind and indulgent person, Mr Brown took me to the Zoo.Where we saw beautiful rain forest birds, also known as Pink Ducks. A sad polar bear. A red panda. And a snoozing snow leopard. With HUGE paws.And now we must pack. Farewell New York. This little brown mouse had a blast.


Pink Granite said...

Oooh black squirrels are rare up near here. They are melanistic gray squirrels and vary in concentration (think Gregor Johann Mendel and Punnett Squares!).

The fifth pic from the top is a Grosbeak perhaps a lady Cardinal?
The one just below is a North American Robin (a personal fave).

Love the little mouse photo, but love the feet photo even more!
- Lee

Ms Brown Mouse said...

Lee the little black fellow led me to break park rules. I fed him a hazelnut. Then I had to give his friend one too. Mr Brown then ate the rest, so I wouldn't get arrested.
I was so glad to get some birds, other than sparrows. I love sparrow but still.
Glad you liked the feet, it's a holiday tradition you see, feet photos, usually on the beach, bare and sand encrusted.

S said...

thank you big sister for your travel log - I feel like i've been there and done it too xx

Zoomie said...

Yes, lady cardinal - the one with lipstick - and yes, robin. The black squirrels appear when the population doesn't have any predators to select them out - pretty, aren't they? Looking very much forward to tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

Lovely!! I've never seen a black squirrel before. So so cute! CAW xx

e said...

Wheee! What an awesome trip, and thanks for the travelog. And now, on to Frisco.