Sunday, March 8

I am a twittering fool ...


M said...

I'm going to write an article on how people manage their time around Twitter/Facebook/Blogging.

I think you will be the first person I call. You can be "the addict" in the story.


Ms Brown Mouse said...

Nooo, don't publicly shame me, please!

Anonymous said...

well you don't facebook....

Ms Brown Mouse said...

S - arrrg, no, facebook did my head in, I HATED it. All that poking, so rude. And relatives finding me, creepy :)

Pink Granite said...

FaceBook is evil.
And I have to take issue with "fool".
Twitterer yes. Tweeter yes. But you are no fool!
- Lee

Ms Brown Mouse said...

Lee, you say the nicest things !