Wednesday, March 11

R & R ...

... rest & reading. I've got the day off. I'm going to finish Watchmen (so I can go see the movie), finish the Well-Dressed Ape (fascinating) and seriously snuggle with the furry girls. The weather is perfect for this, I don't have to feel guilty for not going outside and doing something.
A rather superior person at work, on hearing my plans for today, said "oh, how wonderful, I wish I could do that. My flex days are always for appointments and things".
A rather un-subtle put down I thought. Can you guess my response?


cookiecrumb said...

I imagine your response ended in 'roff. Certainly not 'kyou.

e said...

I can guess, but I think it might be fit for public consumption?

Ms Brown Mouse said...

Well - it was at work and it was someone I have to continue to work with so I was very polite.
"Oh, but you should" I said, "a day for yourself is so refreshing".
"I can't just do nothing" she replied, "this little voice keeps telling me to get up and do things".
"I tell that little voice to shut the fuck up" - I tossed back as I sauntered from the room with a smile!

Zoomie said...


Ms Brown Mouse said...

Exactly, don't go all passive aggressive on me bebe, I'm an expert :)