Monday, November 17

Life isn't too short to pod peas either ...

These came from the free peas the garden's pea-straw mulch provided.Mighty tasty there were too.And they came from such delicately-pink flowers with a faintly scented sweet pea-ish perfume (hardly surprising really). I think I'll call them "Double Pleasure Peas".


cookiecrumb said...

Why on earth would anyone dislike shelling peas? Such pleasure. OK, name them Triple Pleasure.
Free peas!

Ms Brown Mouse said...

Cookie, from my observations at the supermarket I'd say say there were folk out there who don't like to mash or roast their own potatoes, chop their own onions or even strip their own chook carcass!
But yes, triple pleasure indeed!

Pink Granite said...

Well named!