Friday, May 2

Premature celebration …

... that dinner we had out on Wednesday night, it turns out we can justify the expense by calling it a "pre-celebration" for the news I got today.
Turns out wearing heels was a good move.
‘Tis only a 6-month secondment, but still, I’d better watch out or I may end up with a career on my hands!


Zoomie said...

Wow, congratulations, although I'm sure it wasn't the high heels, it was your overall competence and humor that got you the job.

Pink Granite said...

Ditto what Zoomie said!
I hope you enjoy the new assignment!
- Lee

Urban Koda said...


I may be wrong, but will this not resolve any lingering issues with the "Nice R's" comment?

Ms Brown Mouse said...

Well thank you all.
Zoomie, I was once told by a stone-faced grumpypants (post interview) that a job interview was "no place for your humour".
UK - Unfortunately, suspect not.

e said...

You know, it really depends on your interviewer.

Congratulations on the new assignment!