Wednesday, April 23

Heels ...

… I used to be able to wear them. But yesterday I wore a pair for the first time in, probably, six months or so (*mumble*interview*mumble*) and oooooh the suffering footskies. I had to slip next door to the chinese torture chamber for some emergency reflexology. This is a girl who used to wade through flooded streets, dash through paddocks and clamber through fire destroyed shops and things in her shiny patent-leather stilettos. My feet are getting old.


purpleronnie said...

Here's hoping the interview went well which would make the heel torture worth it. Try being 7 months preggers - all I can wear are those ugly 'comfy' shoes that you wear when your 60!

cookiecrumb said...

Your feet hurt because you've been walking on them every day! Amazing.
I hope all went well.

e said...

I haven't worn heels in months because of my hip, and I'm just starting again now. Ouch!!

Ms Brown Mouse said...

E - don't do it, don't go back to heels, you'll only regret it.
Ronnie - preggers, nope, not planning to try that - but be heartened, there are quite pretty & cute comfy shoes out there. I own several pairs myself ;)
Cookie, this was a new and unusual sort of foot pain, not your general, everyday, walking around on me plates sort of pain.