Friday, October 12

This is a lie ...

... a big, fat $US69 lie.

Also, this is funny.

Also, I interviewed this chap once, when I was a bebe reporter. At that time he was hanging himself off hooks and had some sort of robot arm or somthing. He was a freak then, he's a freaky freak now.


e said...

Heh, heh. I guess you don't like math, huh?

Ms Brown Mouse said...

no - never did, never will - hate it like poison.

e said...

Not to worry - plenty of folks out there who want nothing more than to do math, so they'll be very pleased to help you with any math needs. That's how I do it.

Anonymous said...

um. did you pay US$69 for that poster thingumie? i agree, maths is not fun. it is horrid. over rated. taxing on the mind.

more um.

you were interviewing the man hanging from hooks because ... ?
(enquiring minds need to know)

Ms Brown Mouse said...

E - lucky for me Mr Brown is a maths chap he does the sums for us (even the head sums you have to do in the supermarket to work out if it's cheaper to buy 700ml or a litre).
CAW - Nar, didn't buy it, just saw it was for sale and thought to myself "who would buy a maths poster?".
As for the arty chap, I could have written that better. He wasn't actually hanging off hooks WHILE I was interviewing him - that was the show I was interviewing him ABOUT! I was interviewing him cos I was the bebe reporter and they send you to those things since no one more senior wants to interview the weirdo :)