Friday, October 12

Finally remembered to take the camera to work ...

... to capture the bogon month invasion. So for your entertainment moths at my building.In the foyer.In the lift well. In the strange, cavernous court-yardy bit.Poor lost, dazed and confused little buggers.


e said...

They're all, ok, now we're here, now what? Anybody? Does anyone have a plan?

Anonymous said...

oh my goodness! i've read about it but i had no clue at all they were plastered all over the place like this. wow. your foyer looks quite unlike how i remember it from my hurried harried visits LOL it looks like a moth carpet!

LBA said...

Farken hell !!

I must have missed the news ? No reportage of it down here in Vic.

ALTHOUGH, I did say to AB the other day 'is it moth season or soemthing, do moths have seasons?', because i've found a paltry five ( 5! ) in the house recently, and I can't remember the last time I saw a moth in the house.

Although we did have a cockroach plague last year which was truly stomach-emptying....

M said...

Seriously, that's gross. Firegazer has been telling me about the invasion. I thought the 20 moths that find their way into my office everynight was an invasion....

Ms Brown Mouse said...

E - they HAD a plan but some unseasonal strong winds and a storm blew them off course (not helped by city light pollution). About this time each year they migrate up to the snowy mountains - so yeah, HB, they do indeed have seasons. I remember growing up in Canberra we had bogon moth season every year - the cats loved it, catching and eating a feast of moths!
CAW that's not the worst of it, there's even more closer to the BIG end of town.
M - a chap in the office swears he can SMELL the moths there are so many of them!