Thursday, October 11

Beautiful woman, without mercy ...

... or, La Belle Dame Sans Merci.
A print of this painting, by Pre-Raphaelite artist Frank Cadogan Cowper, hung in my grandmother's house. It fascinated me and gave me the horrors. I'd gaze at it for hours, and suffer the unsettling dreams as a consequence (often about spiders, can't imagine why). For some reason the thought of if popped into my head today and I had to find it. I had no idea who the artist was or what it was called but my memory of it led me to believe it must have been Pre-Raphaelite and some obsessive googling unearthed what I was looking for. Fucking amazing frock don't you think?
Merde, I’ve just realised that I’ll be sans Monsieur Brun ce soir. I do hope I won’t be rêver des araignées.
Edited to add - opps, well DUH - now that I see the picture on a bigger better fancy (ie not home) screen I can see the HUGE spider web over the chappy's face - no wonder a tender, bebe mouse had bad dreams.


muffintop said...

She looks like Lady Mondegreene.
(You know what a mondegreene is?)
Sorry Mr. Brown is away, Mouse, but would you be so kind as to click over to me?

Ms Brown Mouse said...

Mondegreene? Like when my siblings and I used to sing "suck on blood, don't feel like it should" instead of "sometimes love don't feel like it should" when singing along to Mr Mellencamp's ditty? Oh yeah, I know mondegreene.
I've clicked and peeked and left my wee mark!

Urban Koda said...

Just wondered if you knew what was up with the knight's shoes...

Those look kind of like pixie boots, except the points go the wrong way. I guess you could use them to aerate a lawn, but with the curve, you'd probably get stuck or something.

muffintop said...

Ha ha! You rock. Merci.

Ms Brown Mouse said...

UK - perhaps that's how he met his end - tripping over his foolish metal pixie boots. Or perhaps the design is to assist him in keeping his feet in the stirrups when on horseback (the natural environment for a knight as we all know).
MT - giggle, also "when shepherds wash their socks by night".