Saturday, August 18

Don't read any further if you are easily grossed out ...

... but my choosing MUCUS as my starbucks name, was some sort of omen!
Ooooh, ugg.


Anonymous said...

I've always wanted to develop the "lipo phlegm"...a tube you just stick down your throat to suck out all the mucus so you don't have to cough it up. I think it is a brilliant idea...provided you don't accidently suck up some vital organ.

Yes, it's gross...but practical!

Ms Brown Mouse said...

oh I am SO with you on that invention - that would be total bliss - your ears would pop though!

e said...

It's amazing how much mucus one human being can produce, isn't it?

Ms Brown Mouse said...

Indeed - that's why they tell you to drink plenty of water - otherwise you'd desiccate.