Thursday, May 3

A late night visit ...

... from Ping's new friend last night. We were alerted to his presence by the chattering from Ping, as she stared out the window. Mr Brown prepared to do battle, assuming it was a nasty feral tom cat or some other puss cat we didn't want visiting, possibly biting, our furry girls.
T'wasn't though, he called me out (quietly) to meet possum. I got quite close and was very tempted to offer him a bit of apple. I suspect that's against some law or rule but if I'd had apple in my hand, it would have been proffered in possum's general direction, that's fer sure!


LBA said...

Oooh - it's like the Hamlyn story I told you !! Chattering is nice, they have this 'thing', it's not nasty.

How sweet :)

Ms Brown Mouse said...

Yes indeedy, just so, like Hamlyn. I don't think it's nasty. Though I suspect that if we let Ping outside, she may be a little overenthusiastic in her friendlyness, and Poss may have to administer a bit of a nip. But just wait till you see what she was chatting to tonight!

e said...

At least Ping chats with visitors. My girls run and hide. Except for Missy, who's 16 and has seen it all, and she just looks.

Ms Brown Mouse said...

Ha, many first time visitors think I'm fibbing about having cats, they run away from human visitors, not coming out again till the visitors are gone. Well, Ping comes out after a bit, sometimes, but Small never. Stranger danger, an important lesson for us all.