Thursday, May 3

I don't approve of all of Ping's new friends ...

... more chattering from Ping in the end room revealed this. Bloody hell, but he is a monster (so big, that big, brave & hairy Mr Brown refused to do the usual, catch him and pop him outside)! Missing some of his legs methinks, I hope not due to Pingu. I really don't mind spiders, I know they do good work. But this one, I'd just rather he lived outside is all.


LBA said...

ewww !!

So who took him out - you ? :(

It would be a can of Mortein here at 10paces, sorry-to-say.

Brrr, heebie-jeebies..

Ms Brown Mouse said...

No, I'm afraid I chickend out too. If he'd been up the bedroom end of the house I suppose one of us would have HAD to do something about him but we figured he'd either end up going out the back door or get played with to death by Ping.

e said...

Holy moly! That's a big spider. Not very original, as comments go, but really, that's a big spider.

Ms Brown Mouse said...

Yep, that was pretty much what I said when I saw him, profanity may also have been involved.

caw said...


quelle horreur!!

Ms Brown Mouse said...

Hehehe, you're so big and brave CAW, cept for spidos!

Chester The Bear said...

Did you know that cats are immune to funnel webs (the deadliest spider in the world). I came home one day many years ago to find my cat, Stranger, waiting at the front door with one in his mouth. (Like all cats, he used to like bringing me "presents") He had bites all over his face and paws. Panic. Rush to vet. The vet laughed. Apparently, pussy cats are the reason we humans were able to figure out how to make an anti-vennine.

Ms Brown Mouse said...

I'd heard something about that Mr Bear but thankfully none of our cats have ever brought us such a scary gift - I'd have freaked out in a big way if they had!
I knew cats were good things, fancy helping the shaved apes with their anti-vennine!

Matsby said...

That's bad. That's aweful. If I saw a spider that big, I don't know what I would do. But I wouldn't get as close to it as you did to take that picture.

Oh man, I hate spiders!

Ms Brown Mouse said...

Heee, The power of the zoom lense Mr G, I don't generally get too close, not unless I have to catch them to put them outside.