Monday, April 23

I may have to change my mind ...

... I was in the David Jones food hall at lunchtime today and wandered past the fruit & veg section. I spied with my little eye, Pomegranates for $5.50 each!
Should Mr Brown get my heart's desire for my birthday, a pomegranate tree, I'll have to rethink my plan to plant it out the front. At $5.50 a pop, growing pomegranates may be a little like growing golden apples!
Oh, it is bucketing down rain in the CBD, I can barely see the harbour from the office window.


Anonymous said...

Yeh - I can barely see the harbour from Sacraghetto either, buried under all this freakin concrete .... lol

Chester The Bear said...

You could always plant two. Or maybe even a yardfull, and have a little stand out the front on Saturday mornings with $4 pomegranites (nothing like a deep discount to draw customers).

Ms Brown Mouse said...

While a yardfull of pomegranates does sound tempting, the Brown-Mouse garden is quite teeny, room only for one I'm afaid. I could paint my pomegranates gold and sell them for $50! Then, perhaps, eventually I'd be able to buy a house with a BIG yard, room for a whole orchard.

e said...

It would be like the goose with the golden eggs, but a tree. Uhm. Well, you know what I mean.