Thursday, December 9

For an idea of just how ...

... naughty/fun Miss Tigger is, watch this.

What is it about masked beasties?


Zoomie said...

Ouch, hate to see that kind of rough play - it won't be so cute when that 'coon weighs 40 pounds! At least Ms Tiggy is tiny!

Anonymous said...

What a ball of fun. I didn't know you could make pets sof raccoons. Nearly as cute as Tigger.

Ms Brown Mouse said...

Zoomie 18 KG??? Wow, I had no idea they could get so big.
Some beasties just love roughhousing, others not so much. It's more the bounce, bounce, bounce bite! than the tossing onto the cushions that's so Tigger like.
Ma! I'm not sure how the "pet" thing goes once they grow up. Badly probably.

Zoomie said...

My friends in Michigan have had several pet raccoons over the years, orphans they hand-raised. They were delightful, but my friends were careful not to play roughly with them. Also, they are nocturnal, so they are ready to roll at sunset - not ideal for a people pet, although they remain adorably cute all their lives. Hoksey-Pokesy and Benjamin Pucklewort are the two I remember best - lovely 'coons.

Ms Brown Mouse said...

Zoomie, I'm SO glad they stay nice pets when they grow up, some wild animals don't. I wouldn't roughhouse with any beastie with big teeth and claws, just asking for trouble. Tigger with her teeny tiny wee teeth and claws can do enough damage :)

Ms Brown Mouse said...

And what FANTASTIC names !

cookiecrumb said...

Whatcha wanna bet that raccoon's name was Rocky?

Zoomie said...

Yes, that family is gifted with naming pets. They suggested Mathilda Tweeter-Grunchkins for my last springer spaniel and their half-Siamese cat was Piper Noddy.

e said...

Zoomie: Awesome names. I'd like for you to come to my house and rename my cats, me, and EVERYTHING I OWN, please. Thanks.

Ms. Mouse: super cute video. Now capture Ms. Tigger doing it!

Ms Brown Mouse said...

Cookie, yep, that particular one is a ROcky for sure.
E - I don't like my chances.

Zoomie said...

e, I will suggest to them that they start a naming business. I think they'd be millionaires in a week.