Sunday, August 1

We spent a little time outside today ...

... because it had finally stopped raining.
Tigger was allowed out, thanks to Pingu's old harness. I have a feeling Tigger may be our first success in the walking the cat thing. She doesn't seem to mind it at all, though that may just be because she's allowed out with her hero, Pingu.
Ping's taught her to eat grass already *sigh*.

We also gave Tigger another new collar. A new, new one. The last one, not so long ago, was not a successful experiment. Not because it made her go too fast or because she wouldn't tolerate it. No, it made her neck and ruff pink. I took it off, intending to give it a soak, to get the excess colour out, and it ... disappeared ... I can't imagine what happened to it. I suspect it'll turn up, one day, when we move a heavy bit of furniture or something.


Pink Granite said...

I'm so glad that Ping and Tigger get along so well and that they are clearly bringing you so much joy!

Ms Brown Mouse said...

Lee, they mostly get on, it's true. Sometimes I see a look on Ping's face, an o-gawd-not-that-bloody-kitten-again look, a will-I-never-be-left-in-peace-again look, and I feel a bit sorry for her. But then 10 minutes later it's all chasies and licking :)

Zoomie said...

Both are beautiful. It's not uncommon for female Siamese to be small. But mighty.

Ms Brown Mouse said...

Zoomie, I guess I'm just comparing her with Small, who was NOT Small at all. She was mighty though, as is the wee Tigger :)