Saturday, June 12

Horrid ...

... actually "that horrible kitten", something you hear 100 times a day round our way lately.She bites, scratches, steals jewellery, money, socks. She climbs curtains, pulls towels down, empties the recycling basket, spikes, howls unreasonable demands and jumps all over you, including your face, at 3 in the morning. She chews books and swings on coats. She climbs legs, trousered or no.
She is the baddest, naughtiest, most wicked kitten we have ever had, together or before.
Last night I threatened to send her back to the cattery, she bit me on the nose. I don't think she takes me very seriously.

And to top it off, this afternoon she absolutely refused to meet her auntie or cousins. The cousins I understand "never trust anyone under 5ft" appears to be a cat motto. But her Auntie S, who came all the way from Queensland just to feel how soft kitten fur was. Unforgivable.


Zoomie said...

That's why God made kittens and puppies cute - so you wouldn't _kill_ them before they mature. The little fink!

Ro said...

But ... oh so, very cute! Cats - always unpredictable, sometimes unbelievable, seldom irreproachable, but undeniably irresistable!

Zoomie said...

Beautiful rug, by the way.

KPB said...

This makes me love her even more.

Ms Brown Mouse said...

Zoomie, I know you're right :) And the rug? You mean the rug she insists on eating chunks of raw meat on, that rug???
Ro, yep, and if I'm honest it's what attracts me to cats :)
Kim, that means alot coming from a non-cat-bloggy person - ta!

cookiecrumb said...

I am just struggling through my eighth month of puppy ownership. I have never had such a HARD dog. So hard. Drives me to despair, but she's not a bad dog, not at all. Just a training nightmare.
I don't think there's such a thing as kitty training, but there is such a thing as maturing.
It works. Hang in there.

e said...

It just shows you I'm such a cat person: I'm reading this post and laughing and thinking she's just perfect, that horrid kitten!

e said...

PS My advice: grab her a squeeze her and smooch her like mad 10 times a day and let her go before she has time to really protest. I did it to my beasts, and now they like it.

Pink Granite said...

Cats - so freakin' independent and CONTRARY!
So sorry for Auntie S. That's clearly shortsighted on Tigger The Horrid's part!

So is she on the brown paper ready to be wrapped up and shipped off?
- Lee

At least S got to see the knitted lovelies from your Mum!

Ms Brown Mouse said...

Cookie, yep it's all in the waiting, I just hope we don't bleed to death before she's done.
E, we say horrid kitten, bad bad kitten and naughty, not for you, all day every day, mostly we don't sound nearly so cross as we should :)
Lee, yep, can't don't make good slaves - ooo and wait until you see what S FELTED for me!

S said...

well to be fair to wee Tigger, she sniffed me and I smelled like small person. She is gloriously beautiful and quick as a fox!

Zoomie said...

Ha-ha! Yes, that rug!

Roo said...

Oowwww - how is the nose?

Cookie..PUPPY! what sort... (sorry DMM..I'm a dog lover at heart)

Ms Brown Mouse said...

S, yes, I think it was the small folk that jinxed it all.
Zoomie, we've experimented with a small offcut, in the kitchen doorway, it seems to be working.
Roo, it takes all sorts, nose is fine!

e said...

I know what you mean. Cricket will jump on the kitchen counter, and my way of saying no is to grab her and carry her off to the couch while I smooch her head.

Stomper Girl said...

I love a bad-ass cat. Just, you know, don't let her out after dark. In case.

Ms Brown Mouse said...

E, the smoochies are tolerated with good grace, except for the odd nip to the nose.
Stomper, NEVER, never, never. House cats both, supervised outsidetime only. A bit sad for them but I make up for it in 2nd breakfasts for the purries :)

. said...

Sounds like my Bengal cat, Moki. He's an all-around jerk and purposely tried to do everything we tell him not to once he thinks we aren't looking! He also has a mad revenge streak and tries to 'get bask' at us if we insult his manhood. Cats, why do we own them again? ;)

Ms Brown Mouse said...

Corner Girl - I can't remember why, but sometimes it's worth it :)