Saturday, May 8

Soap ...

... a continuing saga.
Being unable to use Pears Transparent Soap anymore, I gave Dr Bronner's magical cake soap a go. Magical in that a cake disappears in under a fortnight! Lovely soap, non-drying, pleasantly but not overly perfumed, nice feel in the hand but too, too soft. It simply wears and dissolves away too quickly for the thrifty mchousewife in me.
So I gave Lemon Myrtle Soap a go. Much, much better lasting, a lovely fresh lemony smell, non-drying and, although a wee bit scratchy due to the bits in it, a nice feel. Hand made in Australia too, always a bonus. Highly recommended, but it doesn't last forever, so I ordered a couple more bars on Thursday. The site warned me to allow up to 10 days for delivery. Glancing at the wee slither of soap remaining I thought I'd better grab an interim bar, while we waited.
I was in the Australia Geographic shop looking for inspiration (first-born nephew's birthday is soonish) and spotted SoapRocks. The magpie in me grabbed an opal version and paid the exorbitant asking price. Apparently they last ages, wearing away "in your hands like a stream stone in geologic time". We shall see.
Of course, the lemon myrtle soap was delivered yesterday!


cookiecrumb said...

I had tender mucous membrane stinging from the Dr. Bronner's.
That's all I'm saying.

Ms Brown Mouse said...

But Cookie, why would you stuff soap up your nose????? *wink wink*

Zoomie said...

I like the soap rocks, too - so pretty but sooooo spendy!

Roo said...

Cheaper thank coke? Anyhooo I only use soap on my hands and use a lovely old fashioned green one from Spain. I just like the smell and the fact that is is wrapped lovely. Next time I open one I'll snap a piccie!

PS that museum soap rocks.....geddit!

cookiecrumb said...

It was dirty? Snort, guffaw.

DYING to hear about the SoapRock.

Susan said...

Have you tried buying the soap, unwrapping it, sticking it in the linen closet or drawer, and allowing it to dry further?
Of course that could take months. But softer soaps will eventually dry and then last longer.

I love that stone soap, got to get me some of that!

Ms Brown Mouse said...

Zoomie, yep, spendy alright but VERY pretty. I'm considering it bathroom art.
Roo, well yes, I guess it is :) Do show the pretty soap, wrapped & unwrapped. You know Pears used come paper wrapped, two layers, I was most vexed when they changed to a dull old cardboard box. (Gotit!)
Cookie, soaprock has rather a girly smell, but too much so, and hardly any lather. It twinkles in the morning sun.
Susan, I had not and will give that a go. It'll make the sheets smell nic too, yes?

Sue said...

Ooh pretty! I wish we had a decent novelty soap shop here... all we have is boring!

Ms Brown Mouse said...

Sue, that's what the interwebs is for :)

Pink Granite said...

The rock soap is very cool!
So glad you are having some success with the lemon myrtle one - fingers crossed!

I always unwrap my Ivory from the plastic layer and it does seem to harden it up nicely. It still has a paper wrapper and I leave that on until it's time to open a new one.

Soap is so important. The fear of them discontinuing or heaven help us, "improving" my Ivory makes me want to go buy a few cases right now!
- Lee

P.S. Still trying to track down my Noxzema... Argghh!

Ms Brown Mouse said...

Lee, I'm going to give Dr B's another go, with some laying down to mature first!
Good luck wiht that, I hate when lovely stuff just vanishes!!