We visited the vet yesterday, for Tigger's 2nd lot of vaccination shots, and took the opportunity to cram Ping into the travel cage too.
She'd been starting to make some off mouth movements on Saturday night. Initially I thought she'd got something stuck in there, but we couldn't see anything, not that she'd let us look closely or for long. She was still behaving oddly on Sunday morning so, off to the vets we all went.
She's got an ulcerated tongue, the tip of it, and a broken tooth. We've no idea how it happened. The vet suggested she may have licked something caustic. For the life of me, I can't think of a caustic thing she'd have access to. I did mention Ping had been licking the kitten a lot, but medical opinion is that would not have caused the problem.
Poor Ping is all mournful and hungry, but not wanting to eat, except egg yolk with a little cottage cheese mixed in. Tigger's first breakfast in other words.
So, Ping is on kitten food until the bright pink antibiotics kick in. And later we get to book her in for a little dental work. I'll just set fire to this pile of money here for shits and giggles eh?
And then, this morning, I heard the most appropriately mournful cry coming from the Jacaranda tree outside. A pair of crows calling to each other, such a sad, beautiful sound.
Poor Ping!
If only she could tell you exactly what happened.
Hope she is feeling better very soon.
- Lee
I suspect the kitten bit her tongue with her sharp needle teeth. Love the ruffly crow and the beautiful kitten picture, too.
Uh-oh, broken cat tooth. $$$$$
So sorry for your big girl. Could she have fallen, mid-leap somewhere?
Tigger is adorable. An innocent look concealing a little devil.
mmmm how about busted tooth probed and probed again by curious cat tongue causing scratch/damage to tongue n ulceration
(wink probes broken wisdom tooth with tongue again, OUCH!)
Lee, she's been telling me, it's just I don't understand :(
Zoomie, I love the ruffle of crows. Cookie, Yep, $$$ + $. My dad always wanted to get his favourite cat a gold tooth after he broke a fang!
Winks, that's Mr Brown's theory, I suspect you're both right
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