I've lost motivation, fun, appetite, bladyblabla.
It's not helping that it's hot and humid.
I really, really need for (a) it to cool the fuck down and get on with autumn already (b) for Mr Brown to spend a weekend at home now and again. Pathetically, things get done when he's there doing or helping alongside.
must be going around...
S - :( I HATE the blues!
Also, I'd say cheer up but that just makes me cross, so I won't!
It sucks pond water when these dark days arrive!
I wish I had a magic wand. I would Fed-Ex it to you post haste. Of course, I might zap a few miserable idiots first. But I'd be sure to leave plenty of magic in it for you.
Hugs (A-frame/air hugs due to the heat) from far away...
- Lee
Lee, tareverso xx
Reminds me of an old William Hamilton cartoon (New Yorker mag, probly) -- man and woman talking. One says, "Yeah, I hate depression too."
Hope it's gone soon.
Zoomie, well, if it's worms for dinner at least they will be nice organic, free range ones, the compost bit is literally writhing with them at the moment. All those zombie tomatoes.
Cookie, I found it, I'd fast forwarded it to Monday 8 March, which got me worked up an feisty enough to ditch the blues!
Hope you're feeling more 'up' this week! It is just SO hot in Cape Town at the moment too - I don't think the night time temp dropped below 28 last night. I didn't sleep a wink, kept getting up to cool off in the shower.
Sending lots of magic happy sprinkles to you this week! The best part about being down is knowing that things can only get better!!
Sue, ooo, that sounds horridly hot. Never fear, I'm back & happy already.
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