Monday, February 1

Sorry, I've gone private again ...

... I found out someone had added me to "networked blogs" on the evil facebook. This has freaked me out and I think I'll draw a veil over things for a bit until I feel calmer about stuff.
I hate facebook and that people (far flung relatives I don't really have anything to do with mostly), keep finding me on it despite my best efforts. It gives me the heebies.
You know, perhaps this blogging thing isn't such a good idea.


Pink Granite said...

I too hate FaceBook - ick!
And, as you well know, I fiercely protect our privacy, even with having a public blog.
I hope the veiling does the trick, because I'd hate to lose your voice in the blogosphere.
- Lee

Ms Brown Mouse said...

:) I just can't bear the thought of distant cousins reading the blog, silly, but there you go.

Roo said...

Right thinking caps on folks, we need to keep a lid on this and make sure Morgan doesn't leave us in the lurch.. all suggestions to camp HQ, and run it past the escape committee.

Hired guns take a number and we'll be back to you if the situation gets worse.


cookiecrumb said...

We could always take up ivory notecards and blue-black ink...


(My dad - my dad! - tells me he doesn't read my blog. But he does. So weird.)

e said...

I for one don't find FB to be so objectionable, I actually use it to get more readers to my post. It's all friends anyway, so not a big deal. But you know, you should have the level of privacy on your blog that you choose, so I encourage you to do the veil thing if it makes you more comfortable. But I'd miss you if you decided not to blog.

Ms Brown Mouse said...

Roo ;)
Cookie, my mum reads the blog (& my sister & brother) but I don't think my dad does - I think he thinks it's all a daft idea. Perhaps your mum reads your blog and tells your dad about what's in it. That way he can say he doesn't actually read it (they can be like that, dads)
E - I'm just a bit wibbly about it all, facebook is too popular with too many folk I don't want to come areading my wee bloggage.

Stomper Girl said...

So do I need an invite to see your blog? How come I can see this post? If I need one pleeeeez can you invite me? kthxbai.

Also. I keep my blog and my facebook separate. You can't tell on fb that I have a blog although you ight start to wonder why some people call me Stomper there.

Ms Brown Mouse said...

Stomper, I unprivated, but if you DM me your email, I'll send you an invite just in case I need to draw the veil again!