Tuesday, January 26

Australia Day ...

... Google it if you must, there's loads for and against. I think this chap says it best.
Anyhoo, I'm Australian. I'm not proud to be Australian, since I've had nothing to do with the fact that I am. It's not something I've worked for or achieved, it's a quirk of birth. The luck of the draw.
I am, however, glad I'm Australian. That this big brown, green-beribboned country is my home. For all its faults, and there are many, it's far from perfect, I really wouldn't want to live, long-term, anywhere else.*

* That's not to say I wouldn't do a little dance of glee if Mr Brown announced we were off to live in London or New York for a year or two. But I'd be wanting to come home after that, of that I'm sure.


Urban Koda said...

There's just something special about your homeland! I still yearn for Africa and will likely continue to do so until the day I die.

Zoomie said...

You described perfectly how I feel about America. I'm glad I'm American but I don't feel it's necessary (or fair) to impose our ways on others.

Ms Brown Mouse said...

UK, there is something about home.
Zoomie, exactly, love the place but don't expect everyone to be the same. How dull would it be if we were?

Roo said...

I like the fact though that both the US and OZ and many other nations have this sense of national identity, which is something we brits just don't seem to have... far too up ourselves to think it is important probably.. ;o)