I was on a mission, nothing and nobody was going to get in my way. I had only a paltry sum in my pocketses, there must be no distractions or unauthorised purchases.
Something fluttered at the corner of my consciousness. It caught my eye. Truth be told, it was something-s, plural, many brightly-coloured flutterings.
So I stopped, I browsed. I bought a table cloth (I also had my EFTPOS card, I should have been a boy scout).
My younger brother, when he was a tad, used to capture cicadas and keep them inside our screened porch in Japan. He was fascinated with them and learned all about their life cycle. I still get cicada things for him for his birthday when I can find them.
LOVE the beautiful table cloth! And don't worry about wine accidents - these days, Shout will get most spots out. Enjoy!
It was the cicadas wot done you in! I had no idea cicadas were a decor fetish. I love your collection of little carved treasures. (Now I'll be on the lookout.)
I don't know why but I just LOVE cicadas, I don't even mind when their singing makes sleep difficult.
I used to collect the discarded shells and hang them on the curtains when I was wee. My mum knows all the names, the Green Grocer, Black Prince, Floury Baker.
I cannot resist the cicada!
I thought it was your Tweet about "murdering mussels", but now I think the cicadas on the tablecloth played a role as well.
In what?
I had a nightmare that someone served me a bowl of steamed mussels, with bits of seaweed draped about. But the closer I looked, the shells turned into something like cockroaches with wings!
No matter! The tablecloth is divine and I agree with Zoomie about the Shout.
- Lee
Off to google shout
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