... warming her porcelain bones. I'm sure they are porcelain, she's so light now. Weightless almost, like thistledown.
I worry she can't keep herself warm anymore. So even with summer on it's way, I'm considering getting her one of those heat pad dohickies.
For now though, she's happy lying on hot cement paving.

While Small is outside, I wander in and out, keeping an ear out for her "
I want to come in" call at the back door. I keep passing this.

I ordered it a while ago, at a time I was convinced Small was about to die. She's doing well now, pottering about, eating with enthusiasm, cuddling, cuddling, cuddling. She can still jump up to our bed and hers. I don't think we'll need it for a bit. But it's still there, looking at me.
We have another one by the same artist,
Peter Close, on Toogie's grave. It's wee.

I thought this one would be about the same size. It is now apparent I was not completely lucid when I ordered it, "Life Size" is the description, clear and plain.

It cost quite a bit more than Toogie's too, that should have been a warning signal, but I was in a bit of a state, when ordering, as I've said.
My thinking went, I believe, "
it's been a few years, the price is bound to have gone up".
As for the postage, well, it's always crippling from the UK. Clearly, not thinking clearly.
When it arrived the box was huge and I couldn't lift it out.
The bloody thing is bigger than Small.
It's going to be quite some memorial, one day.
Seeing the photo of Small sunning herself and reading your update about her, makes my heart glad for you and your whole family. All those "extra" days you feared might not be, are so precious.
It seems to me there is a lovely balance in enjoying the sculpture now and it serving a different purpose later, much later - regardless of its size!
Lee, I'm enjoying them both rest assured.
My two cats' ashes are under a cat sculpture, too, but mine is a little less charming than yours. Love the curled paw - so like a cat!
Oh, and that spot that Small likes best - that's where you should plant your citrus tree. Lemons and cats both like it warm.
Zoomie, the curled paw is why I ordered that one, that and the face tilted up, toward the sun.
I'd love to put a lemon tree in Small's spot, but it's the passionfruiit patch, an passionfruits don't share nicely.
You are a GOOD MOM.
I'm the type, no matter how much I love and miss my departed creatures, who would pay the Humane Society to just incinerate them.
I love your memorials.
Hang in there, Small. Your mom might have jumped the gun.
Cookie I did jump the gun a bit, but I'm glad.
My childhood home is littered with little memorials, I'm just doing what I was brought up to do. Though, the horse, he didn't get buried in the garden.
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