Monday, November 2

Pingu got out last night ...

… we didn’t realise until Mr Brown came to remove her from the bedroom for the night.
Where’s Ping?” he asked.
Isn’t she watching sport with you?” I replied.
No. She is nowhere in the house. Someone didn’t double snib the cat door and she’s worked out how to open it, if that isn’t done.
It’s past midnight. Mr Brown is out the back, with a torch, peering over fences, calling. Not a tinkle of the bell, not an little siamese yark in response.
I’m wandering the streets, calling, looking under cars, looking in gutters, calling through the school yard bars. Nothing, not a peep, except for the fruit bats I startled.
Half an hour or so later, Mr Brown comes to find me. He’s found her, she was sitting on the neighbour’s shed roof. Once spotted she made for inside pretty smart.
I start to shake and then weep, something I’ve managed to avoid up until then.
On walking through the front door, Pingu runs up the hall and says “hello”. She is immediately crushed between the two of us and dampened with silly tears (mine). She does not object for some time. I think she understood.


Zoomie said...

So scary! I'm so glad you found her!

e said...

I can't believe you were brave enough not to cry until you found her. I would have been in a panic and would have been hysterical and called 9-1-1 immediately. So glad she was found.

Pink Granite said...

So relieved you all had a happy (and fairly swift) happy ending!
Having been through similar searches I appreciate the entire range of emotions!
- Lee

Ms Brown Mouse said...

Zoomie, I too am very glad we found the cheeky bugger, she's very naughty not to answer when called.
E - I had that terrible tight feeling behind the eyes and in the throat, and if anyone had spoken to me I suspect I'd have made a bit of a display of myself, but I'm glad I managed to hold out.
Lee, it's a wild emotional ride isn't it? Not one I wish to repeat anytime soon.

cookiecrumb said...

I love love. I hate pain. I'm so sorry you had to hurt, and at such an inconvenient hour. I'm so glad you got your girl back. Deep sigh.

Ms Brown Mouse said...

Cookie, I too am glad she's back. Perhaps I should not invest so much love into a pusscat but it's not as if I do it on purpose!

Roo said...

Bless ... you big daft pair of softies ;o)

Ms Brown Mouse said...

Roo, shhh, we have this hard image to protect.