Monday, November 2

Polygonatum multiflorum ...

... Solomon's Seal.
More plants stolen from the people we sold our old house to. I couldn't leave them behind. As it was not yet Spring, when I went garden thieving, I had to remember where the plants were. They hide from the cold, underground, waiting for the first shimmering of spring sun.
Of course, here in Sydney the hiding from the cold is not really necessary. There's no below zero nights, no frost bedazzled mornings.
Old habits die hard in the plant world it seems, and so, when the earth is warm enough up they come. Green bonnets poking out. Slim stalks a-quiver in the breeze.
Later there will be green-tipped white bells, all in a row. That's my favourite bit.


Roo said...

I love this we have some in the garden and I adore it

Ms Brown Mouse said...

Roo, it's one of my favourite plants, doesn't do so well in the warm Sydney weather, but well enough.

Roo said...

Does fine in our dappled light, slightly damp hedgerow. I promise piccies when it comes up in the New Year.