Sunday, November 1

Hydrangeas ...

... it's their coming out season.
Their cauliflower heads are bursting forth. This strange little fellow will make sitting on the bench a take-care situation this summer. And gives Mr Brown just the excuse he needs not to re-oil the seat.
This one's an Oakleaf Hydrangea, I dug it up from our Canberra garden before we left. Back there it would flower at the very end of the year. The white flowers glowing in the dark courtyard where we often sat, sipped wine and ate, grateful for the little bit of cool.
Here in Sydney it flowers much earlier, in time for Eve of All Hallows.


Zoomie said...

Lovely! Ours here are usually either pink or blue, sometimes deeply purple, but the white ones are lovely, especially for nighttime viewing.

Ms Brown Mouse said...

Zoomie, ours started out blue, I think, and sometimes have a hint of colour. But I don't add anything to the soil to keep it up. I'm a very lazy gardener.

Zoomie said...

Mine are pink because I don't add acid to the soil. They are the round kind, rather than the pretty, lacy flat flower clusters. I'm such a lazy gardener that I covered up most of it with a deck. :-)

e said...

I just love how you treat the plants and the animals just like members of the family. It's such a treat.

Pink Granite said...

I have a hard time reconciling all of the beautiful garden photos and your obvious love for all the plants and creatures in it, with your description yesterday of your "position" in the neighborhood.
Just sayin'...
- Lee

Ms Brown Mouse said...

Zoomie, I'd I could remember in time I'd sprikle stuff, because I quite like colour. Still, the white does just fine.
E, well, they are part of our odd little family.
Lee, ahhh, you see, most of my pics are from the back yard, not the front ;)

Uli said...

Pretty! I am quite fond of hydrangeas.

Ms Brown Mouse said...

Uli, I like them too but they are SUCH drama queens. One hot day and they are flopping about like it's the end of the world or something.