Monday, August 31

Today I killed my feet ...

... despite Mr Brown's best efforts with Micropore tape, several blisters exploded most spectacularly just after City Hall Park, on the way to Brooklyn Bridge.Squirrel, City Hall Park Bumble Bee, City Hall Park

Fuck me but it hurt. An emergency stop here, right across the road, almost as if the Fates planned it. Yes folk, my first American purchase was ... blister pads, antibiotic creme and even more mircopore tape*. O, and water, my but we are drinking a lot of water.
Still, I wasn't going to totally spoil the day, I strapped myself up and off we went ... but slowly.

* Fear not, I made up for this inauspicious start by finally braving the Tiffany & Cos shop girls, something I've never been brave enough to do in Sydney, and bought the most divine little rose gold open heart** to wear with the silver one I already have. I was wearing jeans, Docs, a rather limp T-shirt and my button-mushroom hat. It was easy. Too easy, Mr Brown has a very worried look in his eye.

** Only slightly pissed off that the price quoted when I asked "how much?" did not include the tax. Now if you are going to charge a tax, fine, but include it in the bloody price will you***, it's not as if you were ever going to charge the quoted price.

*** Which is, of course, how it's done in Australia. Sensible, no nasty shocks come credit card slip signing time.


Pink Granite said...

So sorry about your poor, poor feet!
Never heard of rose gold hearts as a treatment for blisters - especially not from Tiffany's. Guess they're branching out due to the recession. I wonder what else they'd cure...
- Lee
P.S. You'll never hear a price quoted including tax! And brace yourself, because the sales, rooms & meals taxes vary by state and sometimes even municipality. I suggest smelling salts be at the ready when you check out of your hotels!

Stomper Girl said...

Poor old feet! I agree that "plus tax" system is weird and pointless.

Ms Brown Mouse said...

Well, I'm going to blow their tiny minds and ask, "and with tax?" HA!

S said...

I knew I should have asked you to get me something...perhaps the larger daughter would like some beans for her ears if you were to venture back into tiffany's...then one day I'll probably let her get her ears pierced.
Soak your feet in a warm salty bath this evening while drinking something nice - something new yorkish. xx

Uli said...

Sorry about the feet, esp as NY is such a walk-y town.

And yes, that tax thing will get you every time. I have learned to just regard the price tag as the "approximate" price.

Zoomie said...

Now, that's what I call a good souvenir of your trip to the US of A! Almost makes one forget one's blisters!

Anonymous said...

How very odd that they would not just put the tax in.... I can't quite understand that concept!!! Sorry about the toetsies... hope they get better soonest!!! Ronnie x

cookiecrumb said...

Ha ha! Bunch of tourists!
Take it easy now. Don't use up all your oomph.

Ms Brown Mouse said...

I think I may have forgotten to bring my ooomph with me!

Pink Granite said...

You culled your ooomph during your packing?
Oh no!
Perhaps Ping & Small could fax it to you!
- Lee