Saturday, September 5

News from home...

... My mum emailed me -
"Excitement, Mouse.
Poss came to talk to me late last night, with her baby on her back. But I DIDN'T BRING MY CAMERA WITH ME! I went outside at around 10.30 because it was so hot -- 21+ degrees! -- and there she was, sitting over the garden seat. She had finished all her dinner much earlier, but I had to give her some more pear, because she had brought her bub to say hello.
"So perhaps the bebe has been coming out at night, and you've missed it by going to bed too early. It's very cute, and after her mum had eaten most of the second snack, climbed back into the pouch.
How is this fair??


Pink Granite said...

Oh it is absolutely not fair!
Happily, you have a lovely, observant, technologically savvy Mum who cares enough to chronicle it so thoroughly. And imagine if they weren't housesitting/petsitting - it all would have transpired without her intrepid reporting!
- Lee

Ms Brown Mouse said...

Well, that's one way of looking at it, but I'm still feeling a wee bit sulky that i missed the first out of pouch sighting!
I wonder if I'll be allowed to cuddle it.

cookiecrumb said...

It's like not being home when your baby takes his first steps.
Damn babysitter! (Sorry, Mum.)
Let's name the bebe! Possilla?

Ms Brown Mouse said...

Cookie - I shall call her Hush,Google Possum Magic by Mem Fox and you will see why.

Anonymous said...

Nooooohhhhhh!!! Drats. Still, at least you know what to do when you get back home? Sit up late with a nice red and wait. :) xxxxxxx CAW

S said...

Dad would not have forgotten his camera...

Ms Brown Mouse said...

CAW, o believe me, that's the plan my first night home!
S - probly not, but Hush didn't come out for him the minx.

Zoomie said...

'Twas bound to happen just that way.

e said...

The good stuff always happens when you're away on holiday.

Ms Brown Mouse said...

Zoomie, yes, I knew it was a risk when I left town ;)
E - I NOES - bebe poss makes her debut and a State Minister has to resign over a sex scandal - it's just not fair :(