Thursday, June 4

I know you aren't supposed to feed wild animals ...

... but for the last couple of nights, about 8:30 - 9:00 pm-ish, when we look out the window we can see a possum, sitting in the camellias, eating the buds.
I went out last night, Mr Possum did not run away, but just kept on snacking. We had a little chat about the possibility of leaving me a few camellias but I'm not sure he took it all in. Yes I am sure it's MR Possum, his eyelashes are beautiful, and we all know boy things always get the best eyelashes. It's one of life's great injustices.
Anyhoo, I spotted him again tonight, wandering across the back fence, so I chopped up a nice little Corella Pear and took it out.
Mr Brown has been all "don't get bitten, bla bla, don't pat him Mouse, bla bla, be careful he doesn't jump out and rip your face off, bla bla, come away now, bla" whenever I go out but when I handed Mr Possum a bit of pear he took it ever so gently, just grasping my thumb for a second, and nom, nom, nommed away until it was all gone. So I fed him the rest.
When it was clear there was no more to be had, he carefully washed his paws (with a little pink tongue squeeeeeee), adjusted his whiskers and went on his way.
My theory is, in defending my actions to a cross Mr Brown, if he has a good feed of pear, then he may leave me some pretty pink camellia buds.


Zoomie said...

I'm amazed that he was so tame - perhaps someone's pet? Adorable story! Can you take his picture without startling him? I'd love to see... Our possums are not cute.

Pink Granite said...

What a lovely exchange!
I too am amazed.
Our opossums here are gentle, slow moving and quite shy.
- Lee
P.S. When I warn Chuck to be careful - of all sorts of things real or imagined - he says he has learned to hear "I love you".

Roo said...

we don't have them! if it's cute can I adopt it?

S said...

Remember they like peanut butter and jam too. x

Ms Brown Mouse said...

Zoomie, they get quite tame when people feed them, I suspect this one does the rounds of the neighbourhood. I'll try for a photo once our relationship is more settled.
Lee, Mr Brown worries that if my fingers get bitten he'll have to do the cooking. Also, i shouldn't encourage him because he may make his way up into the roof, which would not be good.
Roo, if he gets into the roof and we have to trap him, I'll ship him over to you.
S, hmmm, he'd have to fight Mr Brown for the peanutbutter.

Ms Brown Mouse said...

Zoomie, I've added a few linkies so you can see Mr Poss.

Zoomie said...

oh, cool, looks rather like our raccoon, only bigger ears. Hope he leaves you a few camelias! Thanks for the links!

Ms Brown Mouse said...

Zoomie, I'm imagining just how cute he woule be with stripes and a bandit mask.