Thursday, June 4

I have visited ...

... Ms Buckley's shop.
Unfortunately all the Pretty things I fancied didn't qualify for small present status.
Bugger, Pants.
What do I want? Suggestions welcomed.


S said...

what are the requisites for a small pressie?

Ms Brown Mouse said...

Well, you know, not $600!

Ms Brown Mouse said...

of a lesser value than the BIG pressie, if you see what I mean.

Ms Brown Mouse said...

Certainly NOT $1500 worth of lovely gold & diamond earring, that's for sure.

Pink Granite said...

Perhaps your new Possum friend is an early Pressie?

Ms Brown Mouse said...

Lee, I've asked Mr Brown to build a Possum house - I'd count that as a pressie!
Paris? A bit big really :)