Tuesday, May 26

O how I wish I had a spare ...

...$485.57 (Australian).
For then this could be mine. Perhaps I'll make it a birthday wish! (from here)


Zoomie said...

I had to use the interwebs to learn about Sir Nigel. Guess I haven't been keeping up with my British sitcoms.

S said...

too late bought you THE book xx

Ms Brown Mouse said...

Zoomie, 'twas a VERY old UK sitcom, almost before television ;)
S - crikey, I trust THE book did not set you back $485.57!

S said...

no, but i already got you a pressie so someone else can pick up the tab on this wish. (lucky me!)

Ms Brown Mouse said...

S - goodo, still THE book may help me magik up some moolah!
I'm posting a different THE book tomorrow (express) in time for a certain young lady's birthday XX

S said...

Fabbo - she does love a parcel. x

Roo said...

Nigel was brilliant, great in sitcoms, but excellent on stage and very good in "The Madness of king George II", which apparently was re-tilted in the states, so they didn't go looking for "The Madness of King George I".... ho hum

Ms Brown Mouse said...

Roo, I love Nigel, and The Madness of King George 2 was a splendid movie indeed. But he will always be Sir Humphrey to me.