Thursday, May 28

How to fold a cat ...

From here.


cookiecrumb said...

When I was little, I had a faux mohair sweater, very shaggy. If I left the sweater drawer open, the cat would get in there, start rumbling loudly, suckling the sweater buttons, and *unfolding* the damn thing with his vigorous paw kneading. Happy cat.

Zoomie said...

Geez, how come my cats were never this cooperative? Mine acted just as badgers do.

S said...

CC I think your poor wee cat might have been weaned from its mother too soon - sucking the buttons is very cute tho.

I reckon I could have folded the black bastard neatly but the other two - especially the evil one who has a 98% chance of plotting to kill me - would flay me alive.

Ms Brown Mouse said...

Cookie, Ping is happiest snuggled in the wardrone, in a tent of my freshly-ironed shirts. You can't see her but it sounds like rumbling thunder. Thank goodness she doesn't suck buttons!
Zoomie, perhaps you actually had badgers!
S - you are beastly to poor Mia, it's not his fault he's an orphaned farm cat!
Personally I let my cats fold themselves for cupboard or drawer storage, the results are even neater than the drawing.

e said...

Maliboo Kitty doesn't allow herself to be folded, she has too many pieces of clothing to drag across the floor.

Roo said...

I just can't bring myself to say anything without alienating half my readership... so I will hush and go, and gaze at the photo of MY DOG.... tee hee

Ms Brown Mouse said...

E - and fair enough too!
Roo - as a regular reader you'll know I welcome both kinds of person, cat and dog lovers - just no haters. I don't understand haters.
*sighs, and dreams of a yard big enough for a puppy*

Roo said...

A puppy! - go buy one ;o) I'm doing "shopping for others" today.

Apparently I'm very good at it, only the "other" tends to get a pang of guilt, like my old friend that sneaked back to the shop the following day to return the wonderful Italian suit I persuaded him to buy... chicken ;o)

Ms Brown Mouse said...

Roo, not until I can stay at home and play with it, and have room. I want a BIG puppy.
I know what you mean about shopping for others, I do that all the time!