Monday, March 30

Big blackout in Sydney ...

... and I'd not have known, but for taking a quick peek at the news before heading home. There was one apparently, thousands inconvenienced, but not this little brown mouse. Our building, right smack bang in the middle of the CBD, kept it's lights on, computers putering, and it's lifts working. The Chinese torturers still had their lights and music box working and the light rail delivered me safely home.
So, nothing to report really. Sorry.


S said...

I know this will just make you feel even more ripped off but because the boy's head office is in sydney and their network runs through the head office..the brisbane, canberra and melbourne offices all went without email and net access from about 4:30pm work slowed a bit here even if it didn't for you.

Ms Brown Mouse said...


Zoomie said...

Well, phooey, I was sure I'd read a harrowing tale from you about this - we heard about it clear over here in NOCA.

Ms Brown Mouse said...

Zoomie, it was odd, my little corner of the city appeared immune. Amazing it made the news over your way - but then everyone loves a doom story!