Friday, January 16

I am so sick of reading news like ...

... this.
And about men killing their wives, or former wives or wives that have left them. Or about men who have killed their children to "pay back" their wives or ex-wives for leaving them. Sick to fucking-death of it.
It's 2009, women are people too. They are NOT to be owned, traded, beaten or "honour" killed.
Men, listen up, what your mothers, wives, daughters or any other female relative does or doesn't do is NOT a reflection on your masculinity. It's just what they are and what they do.
Be careful now, or one day we may well rise up and murder the lot of you in your beds*.

*Yes there are exceptions. You know who you are.


Zoomie said...

Lorena Bobbit, where are you now that we need you - again!

cookiecrumb said...

All men are Taliban.
Except, maybe, Mr. B.

Ms Brown Mouse said...

I'm sure there a quite a few nice blokes out there but it does seem they are the significant minority :(