Sunday, December 28

I'm sitting here with Ping in my lap ...

... listening to the thunder rolling in.
Watching the clear blue sky go grey with rain clouds.
Feeling the temperature slowly drop.
Smelling rain in the hot air.
Hearing the faint "clicks" of a long, old house cooling down.
Mmmmmm, those tentative first drops of a storm are coming down. Sweet relief.


purpleronnie said...

Hmmmmm .. sounds heavenly! I love the rain

cookiecrumb said...

Well, curse the summer if you must, but at least you've got tomatoes! (And it seems like they arrived early.)

Ms Brown Mouse said...

Cookie, I don't curse just mope, whine, sulk and wilt.
I do indeed have tommies, including green stripy ones, but how do I know when they are ripe?

Pink Granite said...


Zoomie said...

Squeeze 'em gently - they are ripe when the yield just a little... you lucky thing, you!

Anonymous said...

oooh, off to gently squeeze some green zebra tommies right now.

cookiecrumb said...

I was just going to say the same thing as Zoomie. I can add this -- when the greenness goes a little goldier. And when the skin looks less opaque.

Pink Granite said...

I'd break out a howitzer and aim it at the snails!

Ms Brown Mouse said...

Lee - I broke out the emergency snail poison - bah.