Sunday, November 23

Yes, bears DO shit in the woods ...

... really. Now go google something else!


e said...

Um...where else would a bear shit?? I mean, other than, like, a circus bear.

Anonymous said...

Well E, I guess a Polar Bear would poo in the snow and some bears may well poo in medows and such. I just can't get over how many people end up at my blog searching for an answer to the question, does a bear shit in the woods? Mind is blown.

e said...

Well, the fact that they end up on your blog after that search is hilarious. By the way, how do you check searches that end up on your blog? I'm kinda curious.

Ms Brown Mouse said...

E, I have a doodad that has a key search function. Rightdown the bottom on the right. Tis free!