Tuesday, September 2

Ugg, ugg, ugg ...

... There are just so many things wrong with this. I'm creeped out in a big way.


Roo said...

Now I saw this the other day and though it was brilliant - although I did say to Peter that there will be some people that will feel very odd about it. I justy though it was very "french" ...

Ms Brown Mouse said...

I wouldn't have minded if it were people dancing about, but the semi human, sexualised animals remind me too much of those rather odd "stuffies" or "furbies" or whatever they are called.

e said...

It's not the first time I see a very sexually explicit French ad. I'm not sure if it's obscene or if it's a sign of a progressive society that is comfortable with sexuality.

The ad did creep me out, and I was a little uncomfortable watching it. I think maybe I find it somewhat vulgar, it takes the fun and play out of sexuality and just splats it in your face.