Wednesday, July 16

What I did on my break ...

... Day 3.
I made initial enquiries about installing a Chili Pepper hot water saver in the kitchen, made a cake (simple butter cake) with fantastic passionfruit icing (I found some more under all the leaves), spent some quality outside time with Ping & Small and read a book. One doesn't want to over-extend oneself!


Pink Granite said...

I know it's the wrong season for you, but there really should have been a folding fan involved!
Sounds lovely...
- Lee
P.S. I tried to understand the Chili Pepper gizmo. What I did grasp is that it will save water and energy and it apparently does so magically!

Ms Brown Mouse said...

Lee, the fanning will be reserved for my summer break ;) As for the gizmo, I think the trick of it is it circulates the first cold water from the hot tap until it is warm, rather than having it go down the sink. I think.