Wednesday, May 21

I'm sitting at my desk ...

... catching up with bloggs and stuff. Pingu is sitting, tall, in my lap. Every now and again I can lean down and plant a wee kiss on the top of her furry little brainbox.
S0metimes I get a tiny damp nose kiss in return.


purpleronnie said...

aaw sweet..
we're having storm here today so everytime there is a loud thunderclap my little dog runs and jumps on my lap. She shivers and I hug her. I love it!

Zoomie said...

Love those kitty nose kisses and I miss them now that my last cat has gone to heaven!

Ms Brown Mouse said...

snuggling with furry things is one of the great joys of life is it not?

Pink Granite said...

It is indeed.
Although sometimes it's hard to reach the keyboard.
- Lee

Ms Brown Mouse said...

Lee, yes, typing can be a bit of a problem - but a furry purry problem is better than most.

e said...

Ping is the best cat ever. Maliboo Kitty does the same thing, although with the wet note kitty kisses I usually get growling and hissing.

Ms Brown Mouse said...

E, I don't think I'd be keen on the hissing, I'm more of a fan of the purr & chirrup.