Monday, April 21


... When I got home on Friday night there was a note on the door. Seems the nice new neighbours' builder had, in knocking down a wall or 2 in their place, somehow managed to knock a few holes all the way through to our place.
I'm so angry (with the builder, apparently an "expert" in Federation houses - who left his unsupervised off-sider to do the actual knocking down) I can barely speak/type of it - and will no more until I'm all "relaxed and comfortable" about it.
There are photies but they make me cry.


Pink Granite said...

That's terrible!!!!!!!
Even if the builder makes you "whole again", as they say in the legal profession, you still have to go through all the stress, hassle, paperwork, mess and inconvenience of repairs!
Do you and your neighbor share a common wall or are the walls adjacent but separate? Or is there a football field's worth of space between the houses and the builder is a complete idiot?
- Lee

Ms Brown Mouse said...

Lee, it's a common wall - but still, it was a double brick wall that had stood over 100 years before the builder & his mate came along.

Anonymous said...

who the fuck does that? oh ghastly GHASTLY, that's just too awful. our roofers put their feet thru our ceiling and that was bad enough but this house is not a Federation home.

are you making them foot the bill?

Anonymous said...

No need to make them, the offer to foot the bill has already been made, flowers have been given also, mass apologies, bla bla. It's the builder I'd like to see drown in a puddle, rather than neighbours.