Tuesday, March 18

I don’t know quite what’s come over me …

… but I’ve just polished off $18 worth of chocolate in two days (before you all fall down dead with shock and disgust, it was only 150g of, clearly, very expensive chocolate). In my defence I can only argue it was very, very good chocolate with bits of dried raspberry all sprinkled over it (drool). But now it’s all gone.
Also, I’ve just received my order of (what must be) the world’s most expensive face cleanser – I can’t believe I ordered it (particularly after I said this not so very long ago), but I did, it’s arrived and I can’t wait until I get home and can clean all my (also new) slap off my face. This has got to stop, it’s ridiculous and frivolous and cannot be justified.

And no – I’m not pregnant!


cookiecrumb said...

Even when you're a tomboy, it's so much fun to be a girl.

Pink Granite said...

I'm a great believer in excellent chocolate. I think it's a much better investment of money (and calories) vs. inexpensive and often truly mediocre chocolate.

I don't use expensive cleansers or make up, but I do Need my embarrassingly expensive face cream!

So if these are "ridiculous and frivolous and cannot be justified" then we're both in a pickle!
- Lee

Chester The Bear said...

You sure you're not pregnant? That orange is pretty severe.

(And we sell chocolate coated cranberries for nearly that much... they walk themselves off the shelf.)

Urban Koda said...

As far as I'm concerned, I say, "Live it Up!!" especially since you're not pregnant.

e said...

Chocolate must be excellent, otherwise it's not worth eating.

Roo said...

If only I can invent a chocolate cleanser....I'd be rich, RICH I tell you!


Ms Brown Mouse said...

Cookie, I just love being a girl (so much better than having to get around with one of those things getting in the way ;) )
Lee & E, life's too short to eat bad chocolate, drink bad wine or read crap books. Besides, I’ve decided that if Mr Brown should confront me with my decadence I’ll just say it’s my only pleasure .
Chester, QUITE sure, and it's salmon pink, not orange *hrumff* I must say those cranberries sound good.
Roo, I have a feeling Lush may have beaten you to it, and I'm sure I've read about a salon that offers chocolate facials and suchlike. I'm not one to play with my food, I'll keep the chockie for eating.