Wednesday, March 19

A little less ...

... pointless rudeness to complete strangers would be a nice thing.
Remember being the new kid, how hard it was to make the first move, to introduce yourself to the established crowd? More people should try to remember what that's like.


Urban Koda said...

In the immortal word of one George Costanza....

You know we're living in a society! We're supposed to act in a civilized way!

Zoomie said...

Amen to that! I wish everyone felt a little bit the "outsider" every now and then, so they'd remember how that feels and reach out.

e said...

Me, I'm pretty much always nice to people. I don't see the point in not being nice.

Anonymous said...

I'm generally nice, until you do me wrong then look out. But it pays to be polite, you never know who a person is, they may be on your next interview panel or turn up when you make an emergency call to the plumber! And civility is the glue that keeps us all from killing each other (mostly anyhoo).
And it costs nothing, all you really have to do is treat a person as you would like to be treated. Sigh, I'm a little depressed at the mo, tis all.

Pink Granite said...

Here here!!!
Sending good cheer your way...
- Lee

Ms Brown Mouse said...

Lee, that good cheer must have been strong, it's made it! Though it may just be the thought of hot cross buns!

Pink Granite said...

Hey, either way, I'm happy to hear it!
- Lee