Saturday, January 26

I've grumbled in the past ...

... about how you have to get up at sparrow's fart in order to get anything good at the market at the end of the street, but it's true. I was up at 7:30 this SATURDAY morning, out the door and at the market at 8 - and holy smacking duck poo, did it pay off. I snapped up a Bœuf Bourguignon pie and a chocolate tart from the french bakery stall and I only had to wait 5 minutes in the egg & bacon roll queue. I'm feeling most pleased with my hunting and gathering and we're now off for a lovely roast lunch at my mama's - it's Australia day , what better thing to do on such a day?


cookiecrumb said...

Well, happy delicious Australia Day!
From this dumb Yank.

Ms Brown Mouse said...

Cookie, I know you’re no drafty so I hope the sore throat that’s rendered you voiceless gets better soon!

e said...

Well, they do say that the early bird catches the worm. I myself am a big fan of the early rise.

Ms Brown Mouse said...

E - I think of early rising as diamonds, it would be vulgar to have too many :)

Pink Granite said...

While in college, the first time I actually made it to the dining hall for a weekday breakfast, I received a standing ovation from a stunned crowd! It was my senior year!
But for a Boeuf Bourguignon pie, even I would brave a sunrise!
- Lee

Anonymous said...

Lee, I remember my Mum rushing into my room one morning saying "look at the clock, you'll be late for school". I rushed up and as I was dashing through the kitchen, she said, oh, your clock's fast, you may as well have some breakfast. YES, my Mum put my clock forward in order to trick me into having breakfast!