Sunday, November 11

It's my only pleasure ...

... I've taken to irritating the poo out of the generally mellow Mr Brown by leaning across the shopping trolley after I've just popped in a treat (like the delicious Rieme Limonade Artisanale, or some Aunty Joan's Toffee, or a wafer-thin bar of Lindt Excellence chocolate) and saying, "it's my only pleasure".
This makes him roll his eyes and sigh and say something horrid like "bullshit mouse". He's demanded that I stop using the phrase.
But what, gentle reader, shall I say in its stead?


cookiecrumb said...

How about, "You wouldn't understand"?

e said...

Or, ah! yet another pleasure...

Ms Brown Mouse said...

Or I could just say "this is MY boat and mooring and upkeep!" that would shut him up ;)