Wednesday, October 10

I must remember ...

... to bring the camera into work, the moths around my building are an amazing sight.


e said...

Ooh, yes, want to see.

Urban Koda said...

Question for you... According to a report on the local news yesterday morning. With a current plague of months down under, the government is advocating that people start eating them (Pluck off the wings, coat in Canola Oil and roast in the oven for 3 minutes)

Is there any truth to that story?

Pink Granite said...

Good Heavens!
They make me think of the cicadas that emerge every seventeen years or so in parts of the U.S.!
- Lee

e said...

except in the US no one suggests eating them... or do they?

Ms Brown Mouse said...

UK- I don’t know if the Government is encouraging us to eat the but there sure is a lot of
talk about it.
Pink & E, I do recall reading about the last US cicada plague and yes indeed people were talking about eating them!